Key Considerations When Designing Industrial Electrical Systems

Electrical engineering dates back to the 19th century, and it covers simple electrical systems such as microchips in hand-held devices and huge industrial power stations. When it comes to industrial electrical engineering, the importance of proper systems design cannot be overstated. It is mainly the case today where safety, reliability, economy, and electricity distribution are crucial to the optimal performance of industrial facilities. Notably, electrical engineers must consider specific factors when designing an industrial electrical system. This article provides insight into such parameters.

Electrical Load Determination

Industrial electricity needs differ significantly; therefore, engineers must consider the consumption loads of a particular facility before designing its electrical system. Typically, industrial processes and a plant's unique characteristics determine the electricity consumed. For example, most electricity consumers in a standard manufacturing plant include motors, generators, heaters, coolers, heat tracers, and lightning components. Therefore, engineers must determine the electric consumption of each element using process variables. Once electrical engineers have established the projected load, they use the information to design an electrical system that safely, economically, and reliably distributes power to dedicated industrial equipment.

Power Supply

The next consideration that electrical engineers consider when designing an industrial electrical system is power supply. Here, engineers determine how to transfer and distribute electricity from local substations to an industrial plant. Additionally, the electrical system design process must cover electricity distribution from a plant's power and control circuit to the respective utilisation points. Notably, the government strictly regulates power supply at the industrial level. The guidelines require engineers to design an electrical system separate from the public utility system. For instance, electrical engineers should create a system that uses alternative power sources, such as steam or gas turbines, to prevent overreliance on the grid. The bottom line is that failure to consider electricity supply and distribution during design significantly affects plant operations.

Electricity Equipment Selection

What equipment will engineers use to supply electricity to an industrial plant and deliver the same to respective machinery and processes? Designing an industrial plant's electrical system would make no sense without electricity supply and distribution equipment. Notably, the first category of power equipment commonly used in industrial electrical systems delivers power from substations to the central control unit. The second group comprises equipment that guarantees safe, reliable, efficient and uninterrupted energy supply to various industrial applications. Most importantly, reliable electrical equipment ensures that operations in an industrial plant remain unaffected for extended periods.

For more information, contact an industrial electrical engineering company in your area.
